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Feeding My Sheep has around 30 volunteers who work tirelessly 4-5 days a week bringing in food from Abingdon and Duffield that feeds around 350-400 families each month. Feeding My Sheep is a total volunteer program. We have volunteers with different backgrounds some that can do grants, accounting, inventory and databases that keep the records needed to stay in compliance with USDA and IRS regulations. We have volunteers whose expertise is storing the food and making decisions on what foods go into the boxes each month. We have truck driver volunteers who are diligent in getting the food safely into the warehouse. Our volunteers just pitch in and do the work that needs to be done including cleaning the toilets. We have our own maintenance volunteers who keep our warehouse looking good and safe at the same time. Our volunteers put in between 800-1000 hours each month. Feeding My Sheep has the best volunteers in the state. 


P.O. Box 970

7653 Lovers Gap Road

Vansant, VA 24656

We are an equal opportunity provider

site created by Tim Shortt Consulting

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